Here is a list of times and places 300-1600 CE where Jewish fighters not only existed but were a recognized part of their society under reasonably decent conditions for at least one century. For a full list of all times and places where Jews fought, regardless of conditions or for how long, please see the Timeline summary.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Babylonia/Persia. During the centuries before 224 CE (when the Sassanids took over) there were many documented Jewish fighting units, as well as Jewish (including rabbinical) support for Parthian wars against Rome.
  • Adiabene. A small independent kingdom whose rulers converted to Judaism ca. 15 CE. Conquered by the Romans in 116 CE.
  • Germany (or to be more precise, the German section of the Holy Roman Empire). From the 11th through the early 16th centuries Jews stood wall-guard as other townsfolk did and provided military service to feudal lords. However, conditions during most of this period were often oppressive with intermittent massacres starting with the First Crusade (1096) and continuing thereafter.